Sunday, 4 September 2011

Pep rallies are terrifying.

I am tired. Very tired. Travelling yesterday was interesting. After they boarded us over an hour after the flight was scheduled to leave, we then sat on the plane for an hour before being told to get off. Then they gave us free food vouchers (win!), so we knew we'd be there a while. It was lovely though, because I made some friends, and during the flight the four of us found an empty row at the front of the plane and proceeded to talk and giggle and flash lights hilariously and obnoxiously, and I could think of no better way to pass the time. :) We finally boarded for departure over 5 hours later than scheduled, and set of on the 9-hour flight.  On the plane I watched Glee. As the name suggests, it made me happy. A later connecting flight meant that I arrived at Carleton at about 12.15am. After an hour of wandering back and forth between Prescott House and Res Commons, I finally actually got into my room and promptly slept badly due to a lack of bedding and warmth. It was stressful.
Today was better. Today I saw Canadians being Canadian and crazy people helping people move in. And I saw a chipmunk. It made me happy. I went to Walmart, which was less exciting than aniticipated because it was busy and confusing. Apparently women's spray deodorant doesn't exist here. Who knew? I did, however, buy comfort chocolate to ease my tired soul, which was gratefully received by my stomach. Speaking of which, the food hall is AMAZING. There's just food everywhere, of all different varieties, and you can eat as much as you want. I had bacon and maple syrup. I felt thoroughly Canadian. Soon, I shall turn into a moose. A very fat moose.
This evening, we went to a pep rally. There were (not very good) cheerleaders and chanting and stunt men/acrobats and cheering and massive beach balls and a crazy woman screaming nonsensically on a stage and a video of Rodney the Raven pissing on the University of Ottawa. It was an interesting and sweaty experience. We tried to be enthusiastic, but we reserved Brits just don't have the spirit of these high-on-life Canadians. In true British fashion, we proceeded to the pub, only to find that it was shut for Orientation. This was not well received, but we were all too tired and jet-lagged to care.
So now you're all caught up, I'm going to go and be unconscious for a while, because 10.30pm is just about justifiable, in spite of the fact that I've been tired for hours. Tonight I get to sleep with an actual sheet, pillow and quilt, rather than a towel, a folded hoodie and a not-quite-big-enough blanket. Yay. :)

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